Keynote Storytelling

Promoting a culture of empathy and understanding in the workplace

Whether delivered in-person or virtually, our keynote session is an engaging and powerful experience that will leave your team feeling inspired and motivated

Keynote Storytelling

The art of storytelling is a powerful tool for building stronger connections and promoting a culture of empathy and understanding in the workplace. That’s why we offer a keynote session where we share our personal stories as parents, including the challenges and triumphs we faced along the way.

Our story is about resilience, perseverance, and the power of support. In 2018, Amit lost his mother to ovarian cancer, we got married, and in 2020, we welcomed our first child into the world amid a global pandemic. Our daughter was born with three holes in her heart and had to undergo open-heart surgery at just nine months old. The journey was filled with appointments and consultations, all of which were made more challenging by COVID restrictions. Through it all, we were supported by our workplace, which made a huge difference in our ability to cope and thrive as a family. More recently, Amit was diagnosed with ADHD, helping explain years of challenges and the impact it had on him.

keynote storytelling
keynote storytelling

…the power of storytelling helps create a workplace culture filled with compassion and empathy…

Our keynote session is designed to share our story in a way that inspires and empowers others, highlighting the importance of a support system, empathy, and understanding in the workplace.

Whether delivered in-person or virtually, our keynote session is an engaging and powerful experience that will leave your team feeling inspired and motivated to create a more human, empathetic workplace culture, where each individual is more mindful of the challenges faced by their peers.

The storytelling session can be tailored to your needs to ensure your organisation and colleagues get maximum benefit.

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