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ADHD for Parents

ADHD Coaching for Parents and Carers

Parenting or caring for a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can be a rollercoaster—full of love and joy, but also frustration and overwhelm. Whether you’re a parent or carer managing ADHD yourself, or raising a child with ADHD, you’re not alone. ADHD affects the whole family, and it can be challenging to balance everyone’s needs.

That’s where ADHD coaching comes in. Coaching helps parents and carers find new ways to support their children and themselves, making home life calmer, happier, and more manageable.

How Can ADHD Coaching Help?

ADHD coaching gives you practical tools and personalised strategies to handle the everyday challenges that come with ADHD. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Understand ADHD better: You’ll learn more about how ADHD affects behaviour, emotions, and daily life. This can help you feel more connected to your child and reduce the frustration that often builds up.
  • Better communication: ADHD can make communicating with your child difficult. Coaching teaches you how to communicate more clearly and calmly, leading to fewer arguments and a more peaceful home.
  • Create routines that work: ADHD often disrupts routines, making simple tasks like getting ready for school or bedtime a struggle. Coaching helps you build routines that suit your family’s needs, so everyone knows what to expect.
  • Manage stress: Parenting can be stressful, especially when ADHD is involved. Coaching gives you the emotional support and tools to manage your stress, so you can be the calm centre your family needs.
  • Strengthen your relationships: By understanding ADHD and learning new ways to respond to your child’s needs, you can build stronger, more positive relationships with your child and other family members.

Transforming Family Life with ADHD Coaching

ADHD can often strain relationships between parents, carers, and children. Kids with ADHD may act impulsively, have trouble following instructions, or become easily distracted, leading to constant battles over homework, chores, or even simple conversations.

But ADHD coaching can change all of that. With the right guidance, you can learn how to respond to challenging behaviours in a way that keeps your relationship with your child strong and supportive. Instead of daily conflicts, you’ll develop strategies that work, reduce stress, and bring more joy into your family life.

Research from the UK’s ADHD Foundation shows that families who work with a coach often experience significant improvements in both their child’s behaviour and family relationships. Parents report feeling more confident, calmer, and better equipped to handle the ups and downs of ADHD.

1-2-1 coaching
group coaching

What Happens During ADHD Coaching?

Wondering what to expect from ADHD coaching with Amit? Here’s a quick overview of the process:

  1. Getting to know your family: Amit will start by understanding your unique family situation—your struggles, strengths, and what you want to achieve.
  2. Setting realistic goals: Together, we’ll set clear, manageable goals. Whether it’s creating a morning routine, reducing homework stress, or managing meltdowns, you’ll work on practical solutions.
  3. Developing tailored strategies: Amit will help you come up with specific strategies that suit your family. These might include using timers for tasks, creating visual schedules, or using positive reinforcement to encourage good behaviour.
  4. Ongoing support: Coaching isn’t just about quick fixes. You’ll have regular sessions and check-ins to review progress, make adjustments, and keep things moving in the right direction.
  5. Celebrating progress: As you see improvements, Amit will help you reflect on how far you’ve come and provide ongoing support as needed.

Why ADHD Coaching Works

ADHD affects around 5% of children and 4% of adults in the UK, meaning thousands of families face daily challenges around behaviour, focus, and emotional regulation. Many parents feel isolated, overwhelmed, or unsure how to help their child thrive.

But the good news is that ADHD coaching works. A UK study by the ADHD Foundation found that 75% of parents who received coaching saw improvements in their child’s behaviour. More than two-thirds said they felt more confident in managing ADHD at home and saw a positive change in family life.

Coaching provides practical, personalised solutions that make a real difference, helping families find balance and peace.

Ready to Make a Change?

If you’re a parent or carer of a child with ADHD, or if you have ADHD yourself, coaching can make a big difference in your life. Whether it’s handling meltdowns, getting through homework without arguments, or just understanding each other better, coaching gives you the tools to make home life easier.

You don’t have to do this alone. Coaching can help you feel more in control, more connected to your child, and more hopeful about the future.

Get in touch today for a free consultation and see how coaching can transform your family life.

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